One of the many impacts Darca has is not just on the students but on the larger community and Israel as a country. Darca schools stress community service in all of its schools as a way to both teach students about the importance of philanthropy and giving back while impacting the community at large. Below are a few examples of community service programs that are ongoing throughout Darca Schools.
In Darca Hammer High School in Bat Yam, as a part of the school’s community service activities, elderly individuals from the local community center are welcomed to the school to celebrate Tu B’Shvat. The school’s students dance and sing together with the elderly and took part in a joint art workshop with them, raising spirits and enjoying a great time.

At Ramon Darca High School in Gedera, every Thursday, 10th grade students spend a few hours in the morning with senior citizens from Neve Oranim, a local assisted living facility. The students play games with them, read, do art projects and try to help them with computer skills. The program is not only a way for the students to provide joy and assistance for the elderly community but it is also a way in which the students can learn a new perspective on life, career and history.
Students in Darca schools in Netivot are leveraging a new platform that combines technology and philanthropy. Through Deedly, students are able to learn about pressing issues in the world and unlock real dollars to get designated to a cause that they care about. To the right, students in Netivot are showing YRF founding board member, Hope Taitz how they leverage Deedly to unlock dollars supporting Pencils of Promise, a charity focused on providing education in Guatemala, Laos, Ghana and Nicaragua.