The past 30 years have seen a lot of changes but one thing has remained constant. Everything we have done, are doing and will continue to do is about supporting the next generation of Israel by way of incredible education. We have supported thousands of students and since our partnership with Darca in 2014, are currently supporting 32 schools and learning centers across the most under-served areas of Israel. Thank you for your continued support, we look forward to the continued impact we can make over the next 30 years.
This year marks YRF's 30 year anniversary.

Founding board members: Sam Katz, Hope Taitz, Doug Korn, Art Penn

Founding board members: Sam Katz, Hope Taitz, Doug Korn, Art Penn

Made up of 15 US representatives and 15 Israeli Representatives
Read MoreMade up of 15 US representatives and 15 Israeli Representatives: Philip Auerbach, Dror Chevion, David Feldman, Yael Fishman, Jeffrey Freed, Gili Gidron, Tali Gottlieb, Michael Gross, Avshalom Herscovici, Doug Korn, Karen Korn, Randye Kwait, Ron and Orly Lubash, Bill Markel, Taly Oren, Rami Rahimi, Jill Reinach, Allison Rosen, Jonathan Ross, Robert Sheft, Amnon Sorek, Hope Taitz, Ron Riomkin, Ross Weiner, Susan Zlenick.

Made up of 15 US representatives and 15 Israeli Representatives
Read MoreMade up of 15 US representatives and 15 Israeli Representatives: Philip Auerbach, Dror Chevion, David Feldman, Yael Fishman, Jeffrey Freed, Gili Gidron, Tali Gottlieb, Michael Gross, Avshalom Herscovici, Doug Korn, Karen Korn, Randye Kwait, Ron and Orly Lubash, Bill Markel, Taly Oren, Rami Rahimi, Jill Reinach, Allison Rosen, Jonathan Ross, Robert Sheft, Amnon Sorek, Hope Taitz, Ron Riomkin, Ross Weiner, Susan Zlenick.

Established in Israel by the Alliance Israélite Universelle and Rashi Foundation.
Read MoreEstablished in Israel by the Alliance Israélite Universelle and Rashi Foundation.
Upon its founding, Rashi tapped Dr. Gil Pereg, a then principal, to lead the network of schools .
Darca began operating and managing 7 schools in Israel and became the first network to work solely in the geo-social-periphery of Israel.

Established in Israel by the Alliance Israélite Universelle and Rashi Foundation.
Read MoreEstablished in Israel by the Alliance Israélite Universelle and Rashi Foundation.
Upon its founding, Rashi tapped Dr. Gil Pereg, a then principal, to lead the network of schools .
Darca began operating and managing 7 schools in Israel and became the first network to work solely in the geo-social-periphery of Israel.

23 schools. 11,000 students.

23 schools. 11,000 students.

(National average of 56%)
Read MoreArticle published in The Marker highlighting Darca’s achievements in the city of Lod: View Article
Learn more about Darca results and the Bagrut exam HERE

(National average of 56%)
Read MoreArticle published in The Marker highlighting Darca’s achievements in the city of Lod: View Article
Learn more about Darca results and the Bagrut exam HERE

87% of Darca students passed the Bagrut exam
Read More about how Darca was ranked #1

87% of Darca students passed the Bagrut exam
Read More about how Darca was ranked #1

Darca merges with Azrieli Foundation to expand student outreach from 16,000 to 30,000
Read MoreRead More about the Azrieli Foundation and the Darca Schools Alliance

Darca merges with Azrieli Foundation to expand student outreach from 16,000 to 30,000
Read MoreRead More about the Azrieli Foundation and the Darca Schools Alliance